Caribbean Airlines Strikes
Based in Piarco International Airport Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica. International flights to JFK, Toronto, London - Heathrow - Gatwick. Owns Air Jamaica since 2011
It is the only airline that provided direct flights between Trinidad and Orlando.
It was the cheapest at the time of booking
Only airline to allow passengers two 50-lb luggage allowance.
Only airline to provide a complimentary meal.
Caribbean Airline Pilot Strike
14 November 2014 Jamaican pilot's who work for Caribbean Airline give 72 hours notice of strike action.
2 July 2014, 24 Pilots call in sick today, 22 flights cancelled today. Domestic and international flights hit. Passengers stranded.
14 February 2014 Airline passengers from Guyana told not to fly with Caribbean Airlines due to terrorist threat see video ABC News
Buy travel insurance while you can. Once a strike is announced your no longer covered. (rephrase that, some insurance companies will drop you like a brick, first excuse possible, in small print) Do some research on alternative routes and airlines, for plan B. Liat Airlines is popular, fills up quick, also not immune to industrial actions. Canadians you have Sunwings as an alternative. Perhaps Spirit Airlines might be going to your airport?
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